Monday, September 8, 2014

Grand Canyon Project

1.) Why do you think brainstorming was helpful when solving a problem?

Brainstorming was helpful because everyone could get their ideas out on the table to work off of and revisit as we design our structure. Not ever idea was useless as someone had a new idea because an old idea could be applied to the new idea.

2.)How did testing improve your design?

Testing improves your design in a way that helps you figure out what works and what doesn't. Testing it before presenting the final product helps make the structure stable and fit all the criteria it should fit.

3.)What are some important characteristics of a successful team?

To have a successful team, each individual must be willing to work hard and work well with others. One team member with negative attitude and no collaboration will make the team unstable as they try to work. Every idea and helping hand counts.

4.) What could you do differently?

If I could do something differently with the bridge, I would be more precise about the button design and the length of the slits we slipped the "buttons" through. I would have also cut the two pages in half so I could make a longer tunnel for the "people" blocks to travel through.

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