Monday, March 23, 2015

Maker Fair Roles

I really don't have much experience in any of the given fields for this game but a job that would best suit me on this team would be sound. I've done some video projects for school before that required using things like sound effects so I know what to do when it comes to finding these and putting them in the game. I listen to a little bit of everything and I'm very flexible when it comes to music so it would be great for picking out background music to use for the game.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Instant challenge

For this instant challenge, we had to build something that built up potential energy and turned it into kinetic energy. Our idea was that of a propeller being turned by a rubber band. It probably would've worked with more time and other materials but we did not have those. Our project failed to cross the starting line and our rubber band snapped before we could start.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Maker Fair

For this assignment, we were supposed to choose and research a game that inspired us. I don't game all that often so I really don't know much about games. One game I often play, especially when friends are over, is Super Smash Bros. Melee on GameCube. Most of the time we'll play multiplayer mode where everyone plays against each other, with or without teams, and try to collect little rewards or coins. One player mode, there's lots of different things you can do but I haven't played that often enough to really remember what happens.
For development, it was developed by HAL Laboratory with Masahiro Sakurai at the head of production. HAL worked with 3 different graphic houses to make the opening sequence. It was in development for 13 months. After making Super Smash Bros., they wanted to create an even better sequel.
Why this game is so intriguing to me is because it keeps me and friends entertained for a long time and we always want to come back and play it again. I don't normally keep up with playing most games but this game is great and I can always get back to it any time.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Product: Automoblox signature series X9-SE
Manufacturer: Automoblox



 Back Isometric

Front Isometric

The car uses mostly curves in its design, putting aside the lines for the doors. It is balanced and symmetrical, applying a sense of sturdiness through the use of wood. The red and black are complementary of each other on the car. The texture of the car itself is quite smooth while the wheels are rough and very realistic to the tires of a real car in look and feel.

The purpose and primary function of the toy card are to roll around and keep children entertained. Regarding the wheels, they don't fall off upon spinning because if we look at the axle, it has a stopper that is wider at the ends to stop the wheels from falling off. The end is split so that they can be pushed together and made smaller when trying to remove and put in the wheels but then expand again to its normal size when put in place.



wheel with axle

Car parts chart

How do visual design principles and elements impact the commercial appeal of a product?
If it is curved, smooth, and sleek, it is more enticing for children to want as well as for parents to buy for their children.
What does a black box represent in the system input/output model?
It represents the building of the product.
Why do engineers perform reverse engineering on products, and how would you describe it in your own words?
Engineers reverse engineer products to get to know the product better and see what restrictions they have to work with when improving or adding on to a product.