Thursday, January 29, 2015


Puzzle 1.jpg PhotoGrid_1422156429601.jpg
Step 1: Brainstorm
For this project we had to create a puzzle with with various constraints. The puzzles had to be from 4-6 pieces only, there could only be 5 pieces, some had to interlock, and it had to create a complete 3x3 cube. I came up with two puzzles that fit the criteria, as shown in the photos.
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Step 2: Cake layers
After brainstorming and building our puzzles we created cake layers as to get a general idea on where the pieces went and interlocked.

Step 3: The Choosing
I had a partner try to do both of my puzzles and chose puzzle 2 as my final puzzle because my partner couldn't figure the second one out but was able to do the first.
Step 4: Multiview sketch
For this part, we took our engineering notebooks and made multiview sketches of our 5 pieces.

inventor pieces.jpg 
Step 5: Inventor
For this part we went on inventor and made our parts on this computer program. I did not have time to assemble the pieces but i was able to build them all


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