Monday, April 27, 2015

Audio Team

This week in audio, we managed to recored the narrative, voiced by Jake and Matt, as well as the 'Gama Over' by Ben. We also recorded some background music for the beginning/ending.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Progress in Audio

For this week, I've been working on background music for the game. Since we can't download songs off the internet due to copyright, we have to record our own music. I narrowed down my long list of suggestions to a few songs and I have been looking for sheet music as well as learning how to play the songs involving guitar. For an intro I'm thinking of using Lacie's melody from Pandora Hearts (of which Alvin is helping me with), Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance afterwards, and possibly Mighty Fall by Fallout boy. We just need some recording equipment and some learning time and we should be ready soon.